Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Read Me A Story

Allie is really beginning to enjoy having books read to her. Before she was always too busy to sit still for a few minutes to listen to a story. Now though she'll bring you a book and plop down on your lap to have it read. Favorites include: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Goodnight Moon, Pat-A-Cake, I Already Know I Love You, and Baby Bear's Stories.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Few Pics from the Wedding

Final Cabin Pics

It didn't take her long on the drive home to recover and get her second wind.

More Cabin

Allie rocking on the porch.
Checking out the snake the boys found.
Hanging out with dad.
Bathing with the boys.
Exhausted after having so much fun.

Cabin '08

We had a great time spending the weekend at Worthington Ranch with the McCarty's, Hatchett's, Don, Angie and Ashlyn, and Melanie and Ryan. A big thank you to the McCarty's for allowing us to come to such a serene place. We always enjoy our visits.

This was the first year that there were actually more kids in attendance besides the McCarty boys. Allie, Ryan and Ashlyn are within 9 months of each other. It definitely added a different touch to the trip having all of these babies around. And less sleep for everyone!

We had fun playing games once the kids were in bed, going for walks and just enjoying each others company. We can't wait for spring to get here so that we can make another trip.

Kaden peeing off the deck. He certainly is the apple in his father's eyes!

Ashlyn enjoying her mom's hairbrush.

Helping Out?

Allie loves to play with the laundry and basket. Now if I could just teach her how to fold it and put it away!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh My, Where Did September Go?

I haven't posted here for a while because we haven't been home for a while. We went and stayed up north with a bunch of friends two weeks ago. It was a great time but very exhausting. Last weekend Allie and I traveled back to Nebraska to attend my cousin Brandon's wedding. It was beautiful! Seeing everyone was a blast. I'll post pictures of both trips shortly.

I'm headed to Seattle on Monday. I'm scheduled to be there until Friday but it looks like I should be home Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. My grandparents arrive tomorrow to watch Allie during the day while Brian is at work. I know she'll enjoy spending time with them.

On October 18, Allie and I head back to Nebraska. She'll stay there the 21-24 while I'm in New Orleans. We'll head back home to Brian on the 25th.

November should be much calmer, as we are planning on staying in the state. We'll have to wait and see if that actually happens. :-)