Saturday, April 25, 2009



Helping (part 2)

Assisting dad with laying bricks where we are unable to grow any grass. Good thing she's around to supervise him!


Assisting her dad with putting together her new sand and water table.


Helping grandma open her birthday present. Notice the three Easter baskets on the table. :-)

Oatman, AZ

Over Easter weekend we made a trip to Oatman, AZ, where wild burros roam the streets. Allie had tons of fun petting the "horsies" and pointing out their Ewwww!


We took Allie out in the Jeep for the first time a few weeks ago. The trip started out pretty good and Allie was really excited to be going for a ride. Like all new adventures, the thrill faded and we soon had a tearful, tired girl. We didn't make it to our destination (I could only bribe her with so many juice boxes!) but we still had a good time.

Finger Painting

My little artist did some finger painting and stamping on Thursday. Hooray for washable paint! I don't know what was more fun - finger painting or playing in the kitchen sink to wash away the mess.

Beautiful Girl

This is one of my favorite pictures of Allie right now. Is it possible to love someone even more?


Showing off her elephant pjs.