Saturday, June 6, 2009


Yum, cake!

Help, I'm messy!

Happy Birthday Allie!

The Cake

The big, full-size (who knew I should've ordered 1/2 a sheet cake?) cake we had for Allie's birthday.

Loving Family Photo Before the B-day Party

Don't we all look so excited to go celebrate Allie's 2nd b-day?

Splash Pad

It wasn't too warm on this particular day so she wasn't too thrilled about playing in the water. Isn't her little swimsuit cute, though?

Too Much Fun

The day after we returned from our Memorial Day trip to Nebraska, Allie and I spent the day at home. We went out to swing in the morning and she was so tuckered out she fell asleep right then and there.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Butt vs. Button

Allie: Mommy has a white butt
Me: What?
Allie: Mommy has a white butt

This was our conversation last night as we rocked prior to going to bed. If you were present you would know she was pointing out the white BUTTONS on my shirt. We just couldn't quite get the whole word out. :-)

Birthday Party

Allie's birthday party was held at Imagination Avenue, an indoor play place. She had a blast! There were about 20 kids, plus their parents. A big crowd to help Allie celebrate her 2nd birthday. Here are a few pics. I'll post more tomorrow. First picture is Allie jumping with her friend Makayla. The other picture of Allie jumping with a friend is her pal Katie.

Memorial Day

Kitty Time

Allie mauled, I mean played, with the baby kittens at Grandpa's house while we were back in Nebraska.

Trip to Nebraska

We went to Nebraska over the Memorial Holiday.

Allie feeding the horse.