Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time Flies

Allie went to her 18 month well-baby check-up a few weeks ago. She weighed in at 22lbs or 24th percentile. Height was 31 inches or 54th percentile. The head circumference was the winner at 49cm or 96th percentile. I've come to the conclusion that I view my daughter with glossy eyes as I don't see an orange on a toothpick when I look at her, though the stats will tell you otherwise.

She is talking up a storm. She is a polite little girl that loves to say thank you. She's also recently started saying flower, socks, shoes and star. "Shrash" or trash is THE word of the moment and also the number one way Allie likes to prove she can help you out. I think we're up to about 25 words and an entire language of Allie-speak.

We're also seeing a glimpse of what's to come with the terrible two's temper tantrums making a visit every once in a while. Washing hair, changing the diaper, and getting her to sit in a shopping cart are now battles that Brian and I don't always win. I've even resorted to doing all of my Christmas shopping online this year to avoid the instore meltdowns.

Allie is also turning into somewhat of a show-off when company arrives. Hmmm...wonder where she gets that from? I think my entire family would vouch that I always welcomed an audience when I was younger. Allie thinks it is hilarious to spin around, ride on her zebra, or just make our guests giggle when they stop by.

We're looking forward to spending Christmas and New Year's in Nebraska. When Allie's Grandma and Grandpa McLennan and Great-grandma McLennan were here for Thanksgiving we celebrated Christmas at the same time. Allie loved tearing the wrapping paper off of her gift to find out what was inside. I can't wait for Christmas Day to see her open package after package.

I'm going to try and get some videos and pictures posted so that we're up to date. Can't make any promises on how quickly that will happen but I'll try.

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